Safe Church News
The Safe Church Office, in partnership with the Office of Communication, launched new webpages for information and resources at just before the 81st General Convention convened in Kentucky in June. Following is a quick summary of what you can find at each of the menu items on the left side of the landing page: We actively […]
A principios de mayo impartimos una formación inicial para formadores/administradores diocesanos en cinco de nuestras siete diócesis de habla hispana. Se está ofreciendo otra formación a los líderes de esas siete diócesis que asistan a la Conferencia Episcopal de Administración de Empresas este otoño. Para continuar apoyando no sólo a nuestras diócesis de habla hispana, […]
Background Checks
The Model Policies for the Protection of Children and Youth and the Model Policy for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults both include requirements for public screening, or background checks, for many employees and volunteers. There are many ways to accomplish these checks at a variety of prices. Praesidium Inc., with whom Church Pension Group contracts […]
Safe Church at GC81
Hundreds of friends and allies stopped by the Safe Church booth in the General Convention Exhibit Hall in June in Louisville, Kentucky. Thank you one and all for dropping by to share questions, suggestions, successes, and affirmations. We gave away all our reusable utensil kits and tons of pens, stickers, and magnets. The booth crew […]
Upcoming Training Opportunities
The Safe Church Office is winding down the training season and will take a breather during Advent as we both welcome a new presiding bishop and give people space and grace to move through the winter holiday season. Currently scheduled trainings are as follows for the remainder of the year: Train-the-Trainers Administrator Training Monthly Drop-ins […]
Safe Church Contacts
We strive to keep dioceses up to date on the latest resources. Everyone on our general distribution list receives this quarterly update. We also keep a schedule of online trainings and drop-in sessions for diocesan-level staff who facilitate policy, protocols, training, and responding. Please use this link to update your diocesan staff contacts. Julie from […]
Spanish Language Training Materials
All eight of the Safe Church, Safe Communities courses offered on Praesidium Academy are available in Spanish. Spanish-language learners will still need to navigate setting up their account with Praesidium’s English platform, but administrators can send instructions in the account invitation in Spanish and direct them to the Spanish-language version of the courses. The video […]
The Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission
The Anglican Consultative Council in Accra, Ghana, in 2023 (ACC-18) committed itself to making the safety of all people in the provinces of the Anglican Communion a priority of its focus, resource allocation and actions; again encouraged member churches and agencies to use and implement the International Anglican Safe Church Commission Charter, Protocol and Guidelines; and requested that the commission […]
Safe Church at General Convention
Attending the 81st General Convention in Louisville this month? Please come visit us at booth No. 515 in the Exhibit Hall. Our consultants, Tim Spannaus, Eric Travis, and Julie Travis, will provide some giveaways and share resources and wisdom. Christy Schiller from Praesidium Inc. will also be there to respond to questions and share information […]
New Webpages
We have finally reorganized and refreshed our webpages at We hope you will find the new navigation more intuitive and user-friendly. There is a password-protected area that offers resources for diocesan-level trainers and administrators only. Within The Episcopal Church the diocese is the primary unit of organization, with jurisdiction over its parishes and institutions. Therefore […]
Praesidium Automated Reminders Disabled
After two full years of Praesidium Academy engagement, Episcopalians have made it abundantly clear that annual, automated reminders to retake courses in our three-year refresher cycle are annoying at best and misleading at worst. We have turned off the reminder within Praesidium’s Episcopal universe. If learners in your accounts are still receiving reminders, please report […]
Task force announces training updates to Safe Church curriculum
Three new courses related to safe church policies within The Episcopal Church will be released July 14, with webinars planned soon to help dioceses transition to a new learning platform. All new courses will be launched to create a new program called Safe Church, Safe Communities.
Episcopal Church Task Force Develops New Training for Safe Church, Anti-Sexual Harassment Policies
A task force created to develop materials for The Episcopal Church related to anti-sexual harassment and safe church policies announces the upcoming launch of nine new training modules. Appointed by General Convention in 2018, the Task Force to Develop Model Sexual Harassment Policies and Safe Church Training surveyed the wider church about what would be most helpful in the trainings and held 18 listening sessions with some of the 403 respondents.
Task Force presents updated Safe Church Policies
The General Convention Task Force to Update Sexual Misconduct Policies has updated the Safe Church Policies for the Episcopal Church to help and enable clergy, congregations, volunteers, and individuals understand and live into the importance of this training. Robin Hammeal-Urban of the Diocese of Connecticut, chair of the Task Force, explained that the work of […]
Gratitude for new friends in the Diocese of Taiwan
I’ve spent a week in Taiwan meeting the faithful and gracious Episcopalians in mission and ministry in this far-flung diocese of our church. The Rt. Rev. David Lai and his staff exceeded all of my expectations for hospitality, making sure that I was never lost or wanting in this land where I can’t speak the […]
Safe Church Model Policies for social media and digital communications
The Youth Ministries Office receives inquiries on many different topics. One of the perennial questions is, “Has there been an update of the Model Policies for Safe Church that includes social networking and digital communications?” It has been ten years since the General Convention adopted Resolution B008 calling for the “Protection of Children and Youth […]