Frank Tracy Griswold III

The 25th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

Frank T. Griswold

An Easter Reflection

April 15, 2003

April 15, 2003 Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and giving life to those in the tomb. This Easter anthem, drawn from the liturgy of the Eastern Church, appears in our Prayer Book at the conclusion of the Burial of the Dead. It is to be sung as the body […]

God Cares for the Whole World and So Must We

April 15, 2003

Early this year in a press interview I said, among other things, that I frequently am in the position of having to apologize to those in other parts of the world for our nation’s policies that can seem, to their eyes, uncaring and based on our national self-interest rather than the greater good of the […]

In The Shadow of War: A Pastoral Letter

March 18, 2003

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We, your bishops, write to you in perilous times. We do not know what the next days will bring. War and the threat of war make many afraid for the welfare of all that they love, and all those whom they hold dear. Such fear gnaws at the edges […]


March 18, 2003

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We, your bishops, write to you in perilous times. We do not know what the next days will bring. War and the threat of war make many afraid for the welfare of all that they love, and all those whom they hold dear. Such fear gnaws at the edges […]

Finding Our Way: A Christian Perspective

March 13, 2003

All through these many months of debates and discussions about our government's policy and actions toward Iraq I have expressed my opposition to war. Joined by leaders and members of other faith communities, I have supported the alternatives to war that would both address the legitimate concerns of our nation and recognize that war at […]

Our Work in These Days: Seeking a Broader View

March 10, 2003

I write this as we enter the season of Lent, and the world watches anxiously while events unfold that will mark our future. We pray for peace, and our nation prepares for war. I have no way of knowing what the world will look like as you read this. I do know that the very […]

Presiding Bishop's letter to former President George Bush

January 31, 2003

January 30, 2003 The Hon. George H.W. Bush P.O. Box 79798 Houston, TX 77279 Dear President Bush: Today I made a statement following the President's State of the Union Address which articulates my sense of encouragement in his bold proposal to combat HIV/AIDS, my prayers for him and our armed forces in these anxious days, […]

A Letter to President George Bush, Senior

January 30, 2003

The Hon. George H.W. BushP.O. Box 79798Houston, TX 77279 Dear President Bush: Today I made a statement following the President’s State of the Union Address which articulates my sense of encouragement in his bold proposal to combat HIV/AIDS, my prayers for him and our armed forces in these anxious days, and my very strong hope […]

The Challenges of Global Citizenship

January 30, 2003

January 30, 2003 These are anxious days as war with Iraq is an ever-present possibility and our economy causes grave concern. We are profoundly aware of our personal and collective vulnerabilities. Such times can make us turn inward and become fearful and self-concerned. Or, they can call up the best in us — both personally […]

A sermon from the National Cathedral on the 5th Anniversary of the Presiding Bishop's Investiture

January 12, 2003

Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul The Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold Presiding Bishop and Primate The Episcopal Church, USA January 12, 2003 Five years ago, on the morning of January 10, 1998, I stood in this pulpit. It was a Saturday, and the day before we observed – as we do this […]

227 records
