Frank T. Griswold
Meditation July 11, 2000
Obsculta, listen: so begins the rule of St. Benedict who is considered the father of Western monasticism, and whose memory we call to mind today. “Listen ⦠with the ear of the heart,” he instructs his followers. “Let us open our eyes to the light that comes from God, and our ears to the voice […]
Meditation July 8, 2000
“Do not fear, do not be afraid, there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear, we love because God first loved us.” The Cistercian writer Guillaume de Saint Thierry wrote many centuries ago, “Lord, you command us to love you, not because you need our love, but because we cannot be […]
Meditation July 7, 2000
"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death." And again, further on in the same letter, "who will bring any charge against Godâs elect? It is God who […]
Meditation July 5, 2000
“The spirit of the Lord God is upon me,” says the prophet, “he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressedâ¦to proclaim the year – not just any year but the year – of the Lord’s favor.” The same Spirit is lavished upon us in our baptism when we are sealed by the […]
Orientation of Bishops and Deputies
I'd like to add my welcome to that of Mrs. Chinnis and Rosemari Sullivan and thank you for your willingness to be part of this great deliberative body we call the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. I also need to thank you for your sacrifice, realizing that this is the Fourth of July weekend, […]
Being “Members One of Another” – The Practical Implications
Globalization was a recurring concern at the recent meeting of Primates of the Anglican Communion. One after another our Anglican brothers spoke of the hardships of globalization perpetrated upon the 2/3's world by the West, of which the United States is seen as the particular symbol and active agent. What is globalization? "Essentially, it is […]
The Presiding Bishop’s Easter 2000 Message
"Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death, and upon those in the tomb bestowing life." (Orthodox Easter Liturgy) Easter is not simply a recurring feast day in the Christian Calendar: it is the shattering of the known in order to make way for what is real. And the reality it proclaims […]
Praying as we Believe – and Living as we Pray
One of the great joys of serving as your Presiding Bishop is being with members of our household in a wide variety of contexts, and to be privy to what is most deeply stirring in their hearts and minds. I cannot tell you what strength and encouragement I derive from such opportunities to speak, preach […]
The Ministry of Making Connections
One of the privileges I have serving as your Presiding Bishop and Primate is to be a minister of connection. I see my role as bringing together different pieces of our common life, and seeking to speak in a variety of contexts in order to encourage a growth in a common vision of communion, and […]
Ordinations in Singapore
For all bishops of the Episcopal Church Dear brothers and sisters: I have just learned this morning, as perhaps you have as well, that on Saturday in Singapore two primates of the Anglican Communion, the Most Rev. Emmanuel Kolini, Archbishop of the Province of Rwanda, and the Most Rev. Moses Tay, Archbishop of the Province […]