Young Adult and Campus Ministry

Young Adult and Campus Ministries

YAF 2009: Workshops

November 10, 2014

Posted in Young Adult Festival

YAF 2009: Shawn Evelyn

November 10, 2014

YAF 2009: From the Festival

November 10, 2014

Posted in Young Adult Festival


November 10, 2014

By Charis Hill UBUNTU just is. “Isn’t that U-buh-ntu, the computer program?” No…not quite. I am referring to a concept best lived and experienced outside the confines of technology. Ubuntu draws humans together, in very personal ways. If we listen to the word very carefully, we are able to hear, “Ubuntu: we are all connected […]

The Young Adult Presence

November 10, 2014

By Charis Hill I fortunately found myself a visitor in the House of Bishops the day the official youth presence was invited to share. As the two speakers made their way to the front of the room to a standing ovation, a few Young Adult Festival buddies and I found ourselves a bit jealous. Here […]

Testifying Not Terrifying

November 10, 2014

By P’Tricia Egbert On Saturday I testified at a hearing on Resolution D064, which asks General Convention to help send young adults on a pilgrimage to Geneva. I was surprised to find that when you testify, even if you haven’t initially been involved in the creation of a resolution, the floor is open to questions […]

UNCSW 2010: Speaking Up

November 10, 2014

When I woke up this morning, eager to start my new day here with a whole new family of women and men, I made it my goal to recognize connections between me and another person today. These strong connections with people who are seemingly so different from me were something that has been very apparent […]

Is Peace Possible in Palestine and Israel?

November 10, 2014

By Harry Akehurst Responsible people today don’t need to be told that there are two sides to each argument: we can recognize propaganda; we perceive motives and opposing points of view; we’ve grown adept at netting substance from rhetoric, and instinctively suspicious of attempts to dictate a right or wrong. The Rev. Canon Naim Ateek […]

The Episcopal Church Welcomes You

November 10, 2014

by Nkiruka Okeke Outside of the Anaheim Convention Center, where the 76th Episcopal General Convention was held, a banner that read “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You” was hung.  When I first arrived, I felt like I didn’t know anyone and I got lost (as usual) but the friendly smiles and the helpful directions of those I met […]

UNCSW 2010: Song Of Miriam

November 10, 2014

Today, young adults from around the world led morning worship for the Ecumenical Women delegations. We took as our text the Song of Miriam and led the diverse delegations in song, prayer, art and conversation. This song was composed by young adults as part of our Sunday gathering specifically for this worship. Here it is […]

230 records

The Rev. Shannon Kelly

Officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministries and Camino Project Grant

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