Young Adult and Campus Ministry

Young Adult and Campus Ministries

UNCSW 2010: Welcome to the UN CSW

November 10, 2014

Despite massive snow fall across the eastern seaboard, all 12 Episcopal Young Adult Delegates have safely arrived in New York City for the 54th United Nations Commission on the Status […]

UNCSW 2010: Preparing for the UN CSW

November 10, 2014

This is the second year the Episcopal Church Center will sponsor a young adult delegation to join Anglican Women’s Empowerment and Ecumenical Women at the UN in participating in the […]

Finding the Young Adults in the Church (hint: we’re right here)

November 10, 2014

By Lauren Woody As the Diocesan Coordinator for Young Adult Ministries in the Diocese of Atlanta, I advocate for a group (young adults) that I think is largely forgotten and […]

UNCSW 2010: Called to Listen

November 10, 2014

by P’tricia Egbert, Diocese of Kentucky As I gathered with other young people today, my heart was warmed with the silence of contemplation. As our sisters and brothers shared their […]

UNCSW 2010: Know My Heart

November 10, 2014

by Jasmine Bostock, Diocese of Hawaii Starting the day this morning, I was filled with anticipation of what the day would bring. Will I hear stories? Will I tell them? […]

UNCSW 2010: Equality Re-imagined

November 10, 2014

by Karen Longenecker, Diocese of San Diego Coming back to UNCSW this year has already proved to be a profound and moving experience, and its only Monday. I was here […]

UNCSW 2010: A Place and a Voice

November 10, 2014

by Garrett Braaf, Diocese of Southeast Florida So I arrive in the morning of February 26. As I got settled into my room, a question suddenly hit me like a […]

UNCSW 2010: My Cup Overflows

November 10, 2014

by Hanna Kang-Brown, Diocese of Los Angeles In NYC, I am surrounded by a cacophony of noise and movement. Buildings filled with people rise on all sides of the street. […]

UNCSW 2010: Darse Cuenta

November 10, 2014

by Karen Longenecker, Diocese of San Diego The last blog I wrote about was rather obscure. I talked about the body and how one day equality will be an erotic […]

UNCSW 2010: Personal Frustration and Group Gain

November 10, 2014

by Jasmine Bostock, Diocese of Hawaii So, today was one of extreme highs and then extreme lows. In the morning, we met with the Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts-Schori. She pretty […]

230 records

The Rev. Shannon Kelly

Officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministries and Camino Project Grant

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