Young Adult and Campus Ministries
Meet the Design Team for the Young Adult Festival 2012
Filed under: Young Adult Festival, Young Adult Opportunities
Young Adults at the UN Commission on the Status of Women
Each year several thousand women and men from all across the globe come to New York to spend two weeks advocating their individual governments and the international community for women’s rights and gender justice. From February 24-March 2, twelve young adult Episcopalians are joining in this amazing experience through the Episcopal Leadership Institute for Young […]
From Hate to Hope: A Call for Restorative Justice
A significant number of students in my college community identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual. So, when a young, black, gay man was brutally assaulted just two miles from campus, many of the students were deeply impacted. The feelings of fear, anger, and sadness hung heavily over my students, and there was a clear sense […]
Young Adult Festival 2012!
Filed under: Young Adult Festival
A Sense of Unity: Grace Baranowski, Diocese of Indianapolis
Being invited to attend the 56th annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women is a blessing that I could never have expected. I knew that we’d hear powerful stories from women from rural areas around the world and then discuss obstacles to their empowerment. I knew that I’d learn more about how the […]
Water and Prayer: Andrew Wilson, Diocese of Florida
It has been a blessing for me to meet Sarah from the Diocese of Western Massachusetts. She shares my passion for Christ and development in Africa I want to start my blog post with a prayer. There are too many wonderfully eloquent and powerful prayers that are more than fitting for this occasion. However, I […]
New Old Language – Michelle Harvey, Diocese of Oregon
In the beginning there was the Word… “We have to be very smart with our words. Be very cautious with the word empowerment. Empowerment implies that that someone else has the power and will empower you who are powerless. However, everyone has power as a child of creation. Also, do not say people are poor. […]
Young Adult Festival 2012: Meet Indianapolis
Filed under: Young Adult Festival, Young Adult Opportunities, Young Adults
New York, Here We Come! Rebecca Ogus
I am SO EXCITED to be going to the UNCSW. This is not a new sentiment of EYA Delegates, I’m sure. But how can I not express it? It’s an amazing opportunity, I’m so grateful to have it, I appreciate the contributions of everyone who is sending me. Yes. But really, it’s SO EXCITING!!! OK. […]
Who will lead? Rebecca Ogus (Diocese of Eastern North Carolina/Ohio)
Happy Leap Day! There are so many things I’d like to say, but I am not yet articulate nor composed enough to do that. I have an eight-hour train ride in my future, however, so I figure that’ll come in time. The Episcopal Church and the CSW incredibly linked, far more than I ever anticipated. […]