Charles Hoffacker

The Rev. Charles Hoffacker lives in Greenbelt, Maryland, with his wife, Helena Mirtova. He is the author of A Matter of Life and Death: Preaching at Funerals from Cowley Publications. Many of his sermons appear on
Sermons and Bible Studies
In Recent Years…, All Saints’ Day (B) – 2006
In recent years Halloween seems to have needed defending against those who regard it as terrible. Certainly there can be excess at Halloween, but in itself the holiday is worthwhile. It can even teach us something of importance. Halloween is October 31, and All Saints’ is November 1, though many congregations celebrate All Saints’ on […]
What Do Today’s Business Leaders…, Proper 20 (B) – 2006
What do today’s business leaders and the child that Jesus picks up have in common? Let’s consider this question, in the name of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. An interesting book entitled âDeep Change: Discovering the Leader Withinâ was written by Robert E. Quinn, who teaches organizational behavior and human resource development at […]
One of My Favorite…, Proper 11 (B) – 2006
One of my favorite Old Testament stories is about Naaman, the Syrian army commander. Naaman is a very important guy. I picture him dressed in an impressive uniform, riding in a big chariot, and surrounded by his officers and staff. What happens is that Naaman contracts leprosy. His skin is a mess — big, ugly […]
Maybe You Saw the Movie…, Proper 8 (B) – 2006
Maybe you saw the movie “The Godfather, Part II.” In that film, the Mafia godfather, Don Corleone, goes to Rome to negotiate a business deal with the Vatican. He is not interested simply in business; he wants to gain respectability. There in Rome he meets with Cardinal Lamberto, who asks if he would like to […]
Today’s Gospel Recounts…, Epiphany 4 (B) – 2006
Today’s Gospel recounts an outstanding educational experience. The people of the Capernaum synagogue find that they have run right smack into the truth. Their encounter with Jesus leaves them awestruck. In contrast to their usual teachers, he speaks and acts with an authority that is undeniable. What do these people learn from hearing Jesus? What […]
Christ Winks at Us, Advent 1 (B) – 2005
Thereâs an interesting quoteâfrom an unexpected sourceâthat applies to this First Day of Advent, from a book you may have read to your children or grandchildren, or that you may remember from your own childhood. The book is by Dr. Seuss, and is entitled, One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. The quote to consider […]
The Coin That God Wants, Proper 24 (A) – 2005
Look at coins from Britain, Canada, and some other Commonwealth countries, and you will see on one side a portrait of the British sovereign surrounded by an inscription. This design reflects the coinage of imperial Rome. The portrait then was that of the emperor. The inscription, in Latin abbreviation, included the emperorâs name and his […]
An Unexpected Encounter, Palm Sunday (A) – 2005
Letâs turn our attention to one of the minor characters in the Passion story. He remains speechless, and appears in only one verse. Yet this character is one of the closest to Jesus as Jesus walks the road to the place of crucifixion. Here is the single verse that mentions this character: On their way […]
It’s Time to Clean House, Advent 2 (A) – 2004
Today may we consider what it means to find springtime in December. In the name of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In many parts of the country, late fall weather can be surprising. In fact, it can seem like spring. Temperatures can be unseasonably mild and people can even walk around in their shirtsleeves […]
The Voice of the Widow, Proper 24 (C) – 2004
Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn spent many years in the prison camps of Siberia. Along with other prisoners, he worked in the fields day after day, in rain and sun, during summer and winter. His life appeared to be nothing more than backbreaking labor and slow starvation. The […]
The Rhythm Of the Trinity, Trinity Sunday (C) – 2004
Today we find ourselves at a midway point in our travel through the Christian Year. Since Advent, our focus has been largely on major events in the story of Jesus: his coming and manifestation, his suffering and triumph, and his gift of the Spirit. Until Advent comes again, our focus will be largely on what […]
He Rose out of Obscurity, Easter Day (C) – 2004
He rose out of obscurity and made a tremendous impact on his nation. Crowds of people gathered wherever he was, fascinated by him. The authorities felt threatened; it seemed like all the old ways were up for grabs. Families quarreled over what he did. Those devoted to him sensed that a new era had begun. […]
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