Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew

Frequently Asked Questions about Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew

FAQ: What is Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew
A: Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew is an innovative ministry redevelopment initiative that explores and highlights specific practices strengthening parishes for the challenging, yet exciting, work of launching new ministries in their neighborhoods. We have a particular focus on the practice of building relationships with fellow parishioners and with our wider community. We believe that through these relationships we will discover the ways God is active in and around our congregations. 

Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew offers three entry points to this work:

  • Second Tuesdays at 2:00 (Eastern) invites anyone and everyone interested in redevelopment to join us weekly for an hour-long redevelopment conversation and laboratory where we explore and try on new behaviors for the sake of one another and our neighbors. No long-term investment required. Click here to register for the conversations
  • Coaching Cohorts for Redevelopment are formed from core teams of 4-5 lay leaders from congregations who come together twice-monthly on Zoom for 90-minute sessions under the leadership of a coach trained in group coaching and experienced in church leadership. The commitment is six months.
  • The Practicing Community is a one to two year initiative engaging a five or more churches from within a diocese who are ready to engage in redevelopment for the sake of developing new ministries in their neighborhoods. The Practicing Community meets online 2x/month to learn skills, collaborate as a cohort, and innovate new ways of being church today. The participants are supported by committed members of a Wisdom Community – mentors, facilitators, and curriculum developers who bring their experience of redevelopment for the sake of new ministries to bi-monthly meetings of participants. 

FAQ: How is this like or unlike other redevelopment initiatives? 
A: Jesus’ ministry happened in the context of community, as he crossed cultural boundaries, centered on people on the margins of society, and cultivated a sense of abundance. In doing so, Jesus embodied God’s reconciling love. As the body of Christ, we follow Jesus’ example by sharing the good news of God’s love today.

In Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew our work is to discern, with the guidance of the Spirit and our neighbors, what God’s love looks like in this place, at this moment, and how we as the body of Christ, can embody that love through radical hospitality. We engage our churches and our neighbors in ways that nurture authentic relationships marked by mutuality, vulnerability, and accountability. Out of these relationships, we initiate new ministries in our neighborhoods.

FAQ: What is “Second Tuesdays at 2:00″ (ET)?
A: “Second Tuesdays at 2:00” Eastern is an hour-long, online redevelopment laboratory for church leaders, lay and ordained. We learn from each other, try on new behaviors and practices, and experiment with collaborative ministry with our neighbors. While there is no commitment necessary to participate in these conversations, you will learn more about “Coaching Cohorts for Redevelopment” and the “Practicing Community” – opportunities that invite a deeper dive into church redevelopment for the sake of launching new ministries. Click here to register for the conversations or email Steve Matthews for more information

FAQ: What is a coaching cohort?
A: Core teams of 4-5 lay leaders from five congregations will come together twice-monthly on Zoom for 90-minute sessions under the leadership of a coach trained in group coaching and experienced in church leadership. The commitment is six months. The cost is $300 per congregation and $300 for the diocese; the funds set aside by GC2018 pays an additional $300 per congregation. In these groups, leaders will be invited to articulate their mission, map their assets, partner with their neighbors, risk new behaviors, evaluate their progress, hone their spiritual practice… moving forward in the Way of Love. If your church is interested in joining a coaching co-hort click here for an application.

FAQ: What is a “Practicing Community?” 
A: A Practicing Community is formed when cohorts of five congregations within a diocese (who are already engaged in redevelopment) come together twice monthly for up to two years. This cohort learns skills, collaborates as a cohort, and innovates new ways of being church today. The participants are supported by committed members of a Wisdom Community (mentors and coaches who will bring their experience of redevelopment for the sake of new ministries to bi-monthly meetings of participants). 

Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew highlights specific practices that strengthen parishes for the challenging, yet exciting, work of launching new ministries. We have a particular focus on the practice of building relationships with fellow parishioners and with our wider community. We believe that it is in these relationships we discover the ways God is active in and around our congregation. To learn more about this opportunity or to apply to join the Practicing Community,  follow this link

FAQ: What is a “Wisdom Community?” 
A: The Wisdom Community is practitioners who mentor, support, and coach the participating congregations in their redevelopment work. Through reflecting on their experiences with church redevelopment for the sake of launching new ministries, members of the Wisdom Community may co-facilitate a session(s), help develop curriculum for future use, coach a small cohort of churches, and/or mentor a partnering congregation. To learn more about this opportunity or inquire about joining the Wisdom Community, follow this link

FAQ: What is a “new ministry?” 
A: In the context of Genesis II: Re-vision and Renew a new ministry is the fruit that results from a church’s deepening relationship with its neighbors resulting in increased collaboration and partnership. A “new ministry” is a specific expression of this partnership that results in a new collaborative initiative serving the needs and evoking the opportunities in the neighborhood. 

FAQ: What does it cost a Practicing Community church to participate?  
A: The monetary cost of participating in the Practicing Community is covered by The Episcopal Church, although you may discern that supplemental church funds will help you experience the fullest expression of this experiment and the ministries it will foster. 

FAQ: I want to learn from this initiative and my church does as well, but we can’t make a commitment right now.  Is there a way for us to be involved? 
A: YES! The church-at-large is invited to join us online for our “Tuesdays at 2 (Eastern)” monthly conversations where we explore the challenges and joys of this on-going work of church redevelopment for the sake of developing new ministries.

FAQ: Where do I find out more about Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew?
A: Contact: Steve Matthews

Steve Matthews

Consultant, Genesis II: Re-Vision and Renew

Click here

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