Immigration Action Toolkit

Photo: Asher Imtiaz

The following is offered for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. This area of the law is very complicated and fact-specific, and we urge you to consult local counsel for particular legal help. The resources below are from many organizations that are active in protecting migrants’ rights from multiple perspectives.

What to Know

The Trump Administration has made sweeping policy changes on immigration that are already having an impact on millions of people. Many of these new policies have been—and will be—challenged by the courts, and we anticipate continued shifts. In our ongoing support of migrants, and those living in our communities who face uncertain futures, obtaining and sharing accurate information is critical.  

Ways to Help

  • Be prepared  
    • Know Your Rights” training can help clergy, undocumented people, and allies know how to handle a possible encounter with federal, state, or local law enforcement

Resources for Dioceses, Churches, and Individuals 

 Additional Resources by Topic 

Episcopal Church immigration policies

The Episcopal Church has a long history of welcoming and advocating for migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees through its Episcopal Migration Ministries and Office of Government Relations.  

Upcoming Events

Immigration Update Call with OGR and EMM
Every Tuesday at 1 p.m. ET
Join the Office of Government Relations and Episcopal Migration Ministries for a weekly 30-minute update on the changing state of U.S. immigration, refugee, and migration policy.