Staff Directory

Staff Listing by Department

Staff Directory

Canon Myra Garnes

Officer for Youth Ministries

Joshua Gerras  

Associate for Armed Forces and Federal Ministries

Good News Gardens

Nicolas Gordon


The Rt. Rev. Mary Gray-Reeves 

Presiding Bishop’s Support Designee

Olivia Greene

(212) 716-6016

The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén

Director of Ethnic Ministries and Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries
(212) 716-6073

Susan Gundlach

Senior Program Officer – Remote Placement
(212) 716-6000 or (800) 334-7626

Su Hadden

Operations Manager and Executive Assistant to the COO
(212) 716-6240

Patrick Haizel

Deputy for Administration and Operations
(212) 716-6046

David E. Hales

Deputy for Administration
(800) 525-9329 or (512) 472-6816

The Rev. Ann Hallisey

Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Ministry Within the Episcopal Church

The Rev. Dr. Bradley Hauff

Missioner for Indigenous Ministries
(212) 716-6151

Ann Hercules

Associate for Ministry Beyond The Episcopal Church
(212) 716-6321

Sarah Hewitt

Program Officer, R&P Pre-Arrival – Virtual Family Re-Unification

Kathryn Hogle   

Program Officer – Preferred Communities – Monitoring and Evaluation
(212) 716-6000 or (800) 334-7626

Patricia E. Holley

Senior Officer, Human Resources
(212) 716-6035

Erin Horter

Intern – Sponsorship Program
182 records