An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Glossary of Terms


Since the late middle ages “evensong” has been the popular name for vespers (from the Latin vesperis, “evening”), the Evening Office of the western church. Cranmer used it in the 1549 BCP. Although in 1552 he replaced it with “Evening Prayer,” the common name remains “evensong.” In many Anglican cathedrals and other large churches, especially […]

Every Member Canvass

A parochial stewardship campaign that invites every member of the parish to make a pledge for the upcoming year. The campaign may urge the parishioners to offer their time, talent, and treasure. Members of the parish pledge to give a certain amount of money to the church. The campaign may encourage parishioners to tithe as […]


A process of development or unfolding. A dynamic "evolutionary" understanding of the development of the cosmos and the forms of life within it appeared in European thought before the nineteenth century. The theory of evolution was forcefully introduced into the English scene by Charles Darwin's Origin of Species (1859). Darwin argued that new species of […]


A pitcher for pouring water. It is typically made of silver or another precious metal, or pottery. A ewer may be used to pour water into the font before the prayer of thanksgiving over the water at baptism, or to fill basins for the washing of feet on Maundy Thursday. Images of a ewer and […]

Ewer, Ferdinand Cartwright

(May 22, 1826-Oct. 10, 1883). Priest and leading nineteenth-century Anglo-catholic. He was born on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. He graduated from Harvard College in 1849, and joined the California gold rush. In California he worked as an engineer and a newspaper editor. Ewer was a self-proclaimed agnostic, but he returned to the Episcopal Church in the […]

Ex Opere Operantis

From the Latin, meaning “by the work of the doer.” In sacramental theology, the phrase concerns the proper disposition of the minister or recipient of a sacrament. It does not deny the objective reality of the sacraments, but it indicates that the proper disposition is needed for the sacrament's full effectiveness in the life of […]

Ex Opere Operato

From the Latin, meaning “by the work done.” In sacramental theology, the objective reality and effectiveness of the sacraments when validly celebrated, regardless of the subjective attitudes or qualities of the ministers or recipients. For example, the real presence of Christ in the eucharist is not diminished by the lack of faith of one who […]

Exaltation of the Cross

See Holy Cross Day.


The disciplinary exclusion of a person from receiving communion by competent religious authority. It represents exclusion from the corporate life of the church. Excommunication was intended to encourage repentance and not meant to be a punishment. The Prayer Book Disciplinary Rubrics for the Holy Eucharist provide that if the priest “knows that a person who […]

Executive Council of the Episcopal Church

The national body that administers the program and policies adopted by the General Convention. It was called the National Council from 1919-1964. It is currently composed of twenty members elected by General Convention, eighteen members elected by the Provincial Synods, and the following ex officio members: the presiding bishop, the president of the House of […]


Literally a “leading out.” The term is used in biblical studies to signify the drawing out of the meaning of the texts of Holy Scripture. Some biblical scholars, notably Rudolf Bultmann, use the term to indicate what the text means to the contemporary reader or hearer. Others, such as Krister Stendahl, use the term for […]


An earnest admonishment. Two exhortations to prepare the congregation for communion were published in the 1548 Order for Communion, and these were included in the 1549 BCP. A third exhortation was added in the 1552 BCP. The 1928 BCP also included three exhortations, but the 1979 BCP has only one, a conflation of prior material […]


The driving out of evil spirits from persons or places with authority derived from Christ. The NT records exorcisms performed by Jesus, e.g., Mk 5:1-13, and by the apostles, e.g., Acts 16:18. The BOS does not provide a rite of exorcism, but it gives these guidelines: “Those who find themselves in need of such a […]


From early times certain Christians with charismatic gifts have been recognized to have the power to exorcise. Exorcist was also one of the old minor orders. Originally it designated a person whose liturgical duties included laying hands on catechumens (those preparing for baptism) and energumens (those possessed by unclean spirits). It was later one of […]

Exposition (Sacramental)

Exhibition of the consecrated eucharistic bread for the purpose of devotion. The practice became common in the fourteenth century. It is an extension of the practice of the elevation of the host to be seen by the people during the words of institution in the eucharist. Popular devotion to the sacrament and the desire to […]

Extempore Prayer

A free-form prayer without text. It may or may not reflect a stream of consciousness of prayer by the one who prays. Considerable preparation may have taken place before the prayer was offered, or the prayer may be a spontaneous expression. Extempore prayer is distinguished from prayers which are read or memorized.

Extreme Unction

Use of oil for the anointing of the sick at the time of death. After the seventh century, western Christianity associated the rites of anointing with penitence and death. This differed from the earlier practice of anointing for healing and recovery from illness. Unction became a rite reserved for situations in extremis, near death the various movements […]


See Episcopal Young Church People (EYC).


(d. Jan. 20, 250). Early Pope and martyr. According to the early church historian Eusebius of Caesarea, the Roman-born Fabian was chosen to succeed Pope Anterus when a dove descended from heaven and lighted on his head. He was Pope from Jan. 10, 236, until his death. Fabian was an opponent of the Gnostic heresies […]


1) Authority or license from an ecclesiastical superior to perform an action. 2) A branch of instruction at a college, school, or university. The traditional university faculties were theology, canon and civil law, medicine, and arts. The term may also refer to the instructors in a branch of instruction at a school, a body of […]

2647 records

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.