Glossary of Terms
Fish (Christian Symbol)
A large vessel with handle and spout, shaped like a pitcher. It is used as a container for wine or water at the eucharist. It may be made of metal, pottery, or glass. The Prayer Book directs that only one chalice is to be on the altar during the Great Thanksgiving. This emphasizes the symbolism […]
Fletcher, Joseph Francis
(Apr. 10, 1905-Oct. 28, 1991). Leading proponent of situation ethics. He was born in Newark, New Jersey. He received his B.A. from the University of West Virginia in 1929 and his B.D. from the Berkeley Divinity School in the same year. He was ordained deacon on June 23, 1929, and priest on Sept. 7, 1930. […]
Florida, Diocese of
The primary convention of this diocese met at St. John's Church, Tallahassee, on Jan. 17, 1838. However, the diocese did not consecrate a bishop until Oct. 15, 1851. On May 2, 1861, the diocese voted to send delegates to the first preliminary meeting of the dioceses of the Confederate States which met July 3-6, 1861, […]
Flushing Institute
A school for boys founded by William Augustus Muhlenberg. Muhlenberg resigned as rector of St. James' Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in 1826, and moved to Flushing, Long Island. He became supply priest at St. George's Church in Flushing, and later became the rector. Several men in Flushing wanted to establish an academy for boys and asked […]
Fond du Lac Circus
” Pejorative name given to the ceremony in which Reginald Heber Weller was consecrated Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Fond du Lac on Nov. 8, 1900. Charles C. Grafton was the Bishop of Fond du Lac at the time and a leading proponent of Anglo-catholicism. Grafton's bishop coadjutor was consecrated with a fullness of […]
Fond du Lac, Diocese of
The General Convention of 1874 voted to divide the Diocese of Wisconsin. The primary convention of the Diocese of Fond du Lac met at St. Paul's Church, Fond du Lac, on Jan. 7, 1875. On Jan. 11, 1877, St. Paul's Church, Fond du Lac, was set apart as St. Paul's Cathedral. The General Convention of […]
The term comes from the Latin fons, “spring of water,” and designates a receptacle for baptismal water. Fonts in the early church were pools or sunken basins, often in the shape of a cross, in which candidates were immersed in running water. Many fonts remained large even after infant baptism became the norm, but they […]
Foot Washing
The washing of feet was a menial act of hospitality in the OT (see Gn 18:4, 19:2). It was often performed for guests by a servant or the wife of the host. The Gospel of John (13:1-17) records that Jesus washed the feet of the disciples at the Last Supper. Jesus urged the disciples to […]
Footpace, or Foot-Pace
See Predella.
Forbes, John Murray
(May 5, 1807-Oct. 11, 1885). Controversial priest and seminary dean. He was born in New York City. Forbes graduated from Columbia College in 1827 and from the General Theological Seminary in 1830. He was ordained deacon on Aug. 1, 1830, and priest on May 24, 1831. Forbes began his ordained ministry as a tutor at […]
To forgive is to give up or absolve legitimate claims upon another, as when a debt is forgiven. In forgiveness, a relationship is restored or renewed. Central to Christian faith is the forgiveness of sins, understood as an action of God. God is understood to be forgiving, a God of love, mercy, and grace.
Form (Sacramental)
In sacramental theology, the words of prayer that express the meaning of the sacrament and the matter used in the sacrament. The words and the matter of the sacrament constitute a valid sacrament when used with appropriate intent by an appropriate minister. At the eucharist the form is the Great Thanksgiving that is said in […]
Form Criticism
A scholarly method used for the interpretation of biblical texts. A form is a passage or unit of biblical material. It has a structure that is considered self-consistent. Units include miracle story, pronouncement story, legend, and saying. Herman Gunkel is an important OT form critic; Martin Dibelius and Rudolf Bultmann are two of the most […]
Fort Valley College, Georgia
Predecessor to Fort Valley State College. The Fort Valley High and Industrial School at Fort Valley, Georgia, was chartered in 1895. Under its second principal, Henry A. Hunt (d. 1938), the trustees voted on Nov. 11, 1918, to place the school under the auspices of the Diocese of Atlanta, with the Bishop of Atlanta as […]
Fort Worth, Diocese of
The General Convention of 1982 voted to divide the Diocese of Dallas and establish a new diocese. At that time it was named the Western Diocese. The primary convention met at All Saints' Church, Fort Worth, on Nov. 13, 1982, and changed the name to the Diocese of Fort Worth. On Sept. 1, 1986, All […]
This publication began in Jan. 1940 and continued until Mar. 1960. It was published by the National Council of the Episcopal Church and described itself as the “official organ of the Protestant Episcopal Church.” It continued The Spirit of Missions and was replaced by The Episcopalian. It was published monthly, with a combined July-Aug. issue.
Fortunatus, Venantius Honorius
(c. 535-c. 600). Latin poet born near Trevisco, Italy. Fortunatus received a classic education in rhetoric, grammar, and law at Ravenna. About 565 he went to Tours to give thanks at the tomb of St. Martin for healing from an eye disease. He settled in Poitiers, where he became acquainted with the former Queen Radegunde, […]
Forward Movement Publications
See Forward Movement.
Fosbroke, Hughell Edgar Woodall
(Apr. 5, 1875-Oct. 18, 1957). Biblical scholar and seminary professor. He was born in Netherton, Worcestershire, England. His family came to the United States in 1890. He was a student at Harvard University from 1893 to 1895. He received his B.D. from Nashotah House in 1901. Fosbroke was ordained deacon on June 3, 1900, and […]
Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.